Solibad Seminar
Coach Seminar – Pays-Bas – 30 octobre 2010
SOLIBAD – Ron DANIELS lance de nouvelles idées.
Solibad est un nouvel organisme de solidarité dédicacé au monde du badminton. Leur but est d’aider avec le badminton des projets de solidarité dans le monde, chaque projet retenu reçoit un ambassadeur et un parrain issu du monde de Badminton.
Ron DANIELS, coach bien connu notamment de Janne ELST et de Jelske SNOECK, s’est proposé d’aider Solibad en associant une formation pour entraîneurs qu’il donnera aux Pays-Bas.
Cette formation du VBO aura pour objet : La Vision du jeu de double en Badminton.
Texte en anglais :
Ron Daniels, a well known figure in the Dutch Badminton Community has launched a new idea to contribute to SOLIBAD fund raising: the "SOLIBAD Seminar".
He will give all the money of one of his yearly clinics to SOLIBAD - Badminton Without Borders. "Badminton has saved me so many times in my life and I'm happy to do something back for people that don't have the same good life as I enjoy now. I would also like to make a commitment to do this every year minimum one time. Let's try and see if other coaches want to follow this idea," said the generous Dutchman. "I have simply told the organizers of the seminar that they should publicize the fact that the money will go to charity, and hopefully get more people to join, and then, send the money directly to SOLIBAD."
This could be a new trend and a great new way to contribute to the new foundation in a win-win situation, as coaches will enjoy some clinics while no money - just time - was involved for the manager of the seminar. Ron Daniels has vowed to hold at least one seminar per year for SOLIBAD.
If you are a coach willing to help in the same way, please contact us directly (raphael@solibad.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it) or simply ask your management to publicize your seminar and collect money on behalf of SOLIBAD.
As for those willing to participate in Ron's first "SOLIBAD Seminar", it will be held by Dutch coaching education department VBO on 30 october http://www.vbo-trainer.nl/html/Bijscholingen.asp?id=19
The Dutch community has vowed to take a leading part in Solibad as the Dutch translation of the website is well underway while the project "1000 rackets for Haiti" is being handled locally and helped by all top players in the country.
13:53 Écrit par vincent hecquet | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | Tags : coaching | Facebook |
Great seminar :)
Super événement, bravo à tous.
Écrit par : seminar provence | 25/07/2014
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